Dr. Elfriede Üner
Dr. phil. (German Ph.D.) at the University in Munich 1988
Born in Munich, Germany
Secondary education in Munich and Yreka, CA
French language studies at the Université Catholique, Angers, France
Hungarian language and culture studies at the Lajos-Kossuth-University Debrecen, Hungary (summer university 1981, 1982)
"Comparative European Politics" at the European University Institute Florence, Italy (summer university 1986)
Participation in research project "Political Theories in the USA. An empirical analysis of the developments from 1950 to 1980", Prof. Dr. Peter Christian Ludz (University Munich)
Taught five years as "Wissenschaftliche Assistentin" (Associate Professor) at the Institute of Sociology at the University in Munich. Specialized in: sociological theory, political sociology, sociology of science and knowledge, sociology of culture. (for a complete list of courses and seminars, click here)
Research project "Hans Freyer and the Leipzig School in German sociology"; sponsored by the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung (with Prof. Dr. Horst Baier, University in Constance).
Research project "Catalogue with additional comments of the papers of Hans Freyer " at the library of the University in Münster; sponsored by Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.
Research project "Reception and influence of Hans Freyer's sociological theory" at the Zentrum für Höhere Studien of the University in Leipzig, sponsored by Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung.
Research project on Demography "Bevölkerungswissenschaft als Kulturwissenschaft. Konzepte und Wirkungsgeschichte bevölkerungswissenschaftlichen Denkens der 'Leipziger Schule' der Sozialwissenschaften von 1875-1970." under the umbrella of Prof. Dr. Dirk Kaesler, Institut for Sociology, Philipps-Universität Marburg. As part of program 1106 (SPP 1106) der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft: "Ursprünge, Arten und folgen des Konstrukts 'Bevölkerung' vor, im und nach dem 'Dritten Reich'."
Freelance projects with:
-the comittees on women's issues of the CSU (governing party) and SPD (opposition party) in the Bavarian state parliament
-the administrator for women's issues at the University in Munich
-the Munich Center for Adult Education (Volkshochschule), dept. for political education and teacher's training
Currently finishing research project "Reception and influence of Hans Freyer's sociological theory" at the Zentrum für Höhere Studien of the University in Leipzig, sponsored by Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung..
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